design conference
gender difference, gender sensitivity, and possible futures in design
The international Gender Design Network (iGDN)
the hong kong polytechnic university
design together with ruedi & vera baur
the second annual conference of the international gender design network examined how gender is implicitly embedded in both our designed environments and design practices by using interdisciplinary approaches. as participants we shared insights on how designers can tackle social responsibility and can empower consumers, audiences, and users in their interaction with one another. In hopes of transcending the binary thinking and essentialism prevalent in the design tradition, the conference will feature keynote speeches, roundtables, and workshops, thus shedding light on the multiple and fluid options located at the interface between gendering and designing, and on what the future holds for innovation, research, and practice.
design conference
gender difference, gender sensitivity, and possible futures in design
The international Gender Design Network (iGDN)
the hong kong polytechnic university
design together with ruedi & vera baur
the second annual conference of the international gender design network examined how gender is implicitly embedded in both our designed environments and design practices by using interdisciplinary approaches. as participants we shared insights on how designers can tackle social responsibility and can empower consumers, audiences, and users in their interaction with one another. In hopes of transcending the binary thinking and essentialism prevalent in the design tradition, the conference will feature keynote speeches, roundtables, and workshops, thus shedding light on the multiple and fluid options located at the interface between gendering and designing, and on what the future holds for innovation, research, and practice.